About Us
I am Ashok Kumar Saini. I am Radiographer. I have completed my graduation (B.Sc. Radiation Technology) from SMS medical college jaipur. This Blog is releted to radiographer students who cannot get knowledge about radiography in Hindi language.It include solution of previous year papers of all subjects of radiology and radiotherapy for radiation technologist and radiographer students.
Subjects of radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy-
1. Anatomy
2. Surface anatomy
3. Radiological anatomy
4. Basic radiological physics
5. Positioning of patient in radiography room
6. Dark room procedure (Film processing)
7. Patient care and hospital management
8. Radiological special investigation inclde barium study, IVP, vascular study, angiogrpahy, salilography, arthrography, ventriculography
9. Contrast media
10. Recent advances in radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy
11. cobalt therapy
12. Bracheytherapy
14. Linear accilerator
15. Nuclear medicine
Sir ji notes chahiye
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